Make your hospital smarter and more efficient with our enterprise Smart Hospital Solutions
Improve the experience of your patients and staff with WAi2Go's powerful indoor wayfinding functionality. Reduce time spent finding equipment and resources using asset tracking technologies. Visualise assets and resources on interactive indoor maps. Improve communications to staff and patients by delivering targeted messages and notifications to multiple devices and technologies. Automatically consolidate information from multiple sources to ensure administrative staff don't waste time replicating already-existing information.
Our Smart Hospital technology brings a whole new range of capabilities to your hospital.
Smart Hospital Features
Interactive data-driven maps and hospital floor plans
Step-by-step directions including options for users with impaired mobility
Options for different levels of mapping and hospital information for staff and patients
The ability to visualise the location of assets and resources
Real-time public transport and shuttle bus information, and the availability of car parks
Staff directories for internal staff applications
Energy and environmental information
Hospital developments and disruptions
Push notifications, advertisements and alerts
Bespoke applications for different stakeholders
Interface to other systems where location-based services are required

Supported Delivery Platforms

Native Smartphone applications
Mobile and desktop web browsers
Digital signage
Interactive kiosks/Totems
Role-based administration

Secure role-based management tools allow the distributed management of the platform across multiple departments and stakeholders.