Smart Campus Solutions: make your campus smarter for students and staff, and more efficient...
Improve the experience of your students, staff and visitors: help them to quickly find their bearings and the information they need. Improve communications with notifications and alerts delivered to multiple devices and technologies. Automatically consolidate information from multiple sources to ensure administrative staff don't waste time replicating already-existing information.
Our Smart Campus technology brings a whole new range of capabilities to your university.
Smart Campus Features
Mapping and wayfinding
Interactive data-driven maps and floor plans
Step-by-step directions including options for users with impaired mobility
Accessing, generating and disseminating live information
Meeting and timetable information
Study space occupancy and computer availability
Syncing with staff directories
Energy and environmental information
Campus developments and disruptions
Push notifications, advertisements and alert
Transport planning and management
Parking and hire bike availability
Real-time public transport and shuttle bus information
Event planning and management
Campus events
Open day information and campus tours
Matriculation and Freshers' week planning
Unique applications
Ability to quickly build bespoke applications to meet the specific needs of your campus or events

University Campus Case Studies

Work is underway importing the floor plans of over 80 buildings within the University of Oxford to give staff, student and visitors indoor and outdoor navigation and location-based information around the city centre. Administrative staff will also use the interactive maps to overlay other non-public information in order to help improve operational efficiencies.
University of Oxford

This is one of our most recent projects deploying across all channels: web, Smartphone and interactive kiosks/totems. Real-time study space and computer lab availability guides students to the least congested areas. Further deployment phases will include the addition of building floor plans and other features.
University of Birmingham

The University has three campuses
(Colchester, Southend and Loughton). Colchester (our very first project in 2012) is a notoriously tricky campus to navigate, especially for impaired mobility users (built into a valley, with lifts that don't all stop at each floor), so a true test for the routing algorithms. The resulting app FindYourWay@Essex also offers campus tours, real time computer lab/printer availability, links to timetable and more.
University of Essex

The University of Worcester is located near and within the city of Worcester. The project involved the import of over 100 floorplans and the creation of a web and indoor touchscreen kiosks. Since some buildings are within the city centre, end-to-end paths can be from buildings within the city centre to rooms within buildings on the main University campus. Events and real-time transport information are also consolidated for the users.
University of Worcester

The University of Hertfordshire
has three campuses around Hatfield. We deployed the WAi2Go platform in order to provide way-finding across and within the campuses. In addition, real-time parking and computer lab availability is shown as dynamic interactive icons on the map. The extensive WAi2Go APIs are used to integrate the WAi2Go functionality within the University student app that is developed in-house.
University of Hertfordshire